La increíble historia del barbero australiano que corta el pelo a la gente de la calle

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This is Rachel, originally from New Zealand. She is 39 years old and has a 6 year old child. I met her on International Women’s Day and was excited to cut her hair because she had such a unique style! I asked what she wanted and she told me to give her the "female punk" cut. She explained that when she tries to do it herself, it often looks quite uneven and patchy. During the cut, she started to cry while talking about her daughter. She described how her daughter stays with her grandmother (Rachel’s mom), because she couldn’t take care of her — "I can't even take care of myself”, she said, which saddened me. I let her speak without interrupting her and she continued to tell me that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer and now lives on the streets. That really boggled my mind. I asked if there was any chance for her to stay with someone at the moment. She said she was living with her ex-boyfriend when she found out she was sick. He was selling meth, and the apartment was very toxic and full of negative energy. When she asked him to stop selling, he wouldn't listen to her and basically didn't want to accept that she was sick and needed support. Although she had nowhere else to go, she decided to move out because she would rather be "homeless and with breast cancer than living in a toxic place like that". When I heard that, I told her that as hard as it was, “it looks like you've taken your first step into taking care of yourself.” She laughed and agreed. #thestreetsbarber #wenotme #allpraisetothemosthigh

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«Esta es Rachel, neozelandesa de 39 años y con una niña de 6 años. La conocí en el Día Internacional de la Mujer y estaba emocionada de cortarse el pelo porque ella tenía un estilo único. Le pregunté qué quería y me dijo que le diera el corte «punk femenino». Explicó que cuando intenta hacerlo ella misma, a menudo se ve bastante irregular. Durante el corte, ella comenzó a llorar mientras hablaba de su hija. Me contó que su hija se quedó con su abuela (la madre de Rachel), porque no podía cuidarla. «No puedo cuidarme sola», dijo, lo que me entristeció. La dejé hablar sin interrumpirla. y continuó diciéndome que le han diagnosticado cáncer de mama y ahora vive en la calle. Eso me sorprendió mucho. Le pregunté si había alguna posibilidad de que ella se quedara con alguien en ese momento. Dijo que estaba viviendo con su ex novio cuando se enteró de que estaba enferma. Él estaba vendiendo metanfetaminas, y el apartamento era muy tóxico y lleno de energía negativa. Cuando ella le pedía que dejara de vender, él no la escuchaba. Aunque no tenía a dónde ir, decidió mudarse porque preferiría ser «sin hogar y con cáncer de mama que vivir en un lugar tóxico como ese». Cuando escuché eso, le dijo que tan difícil como era, «parece que has dado tu primer paso para cuidarte a ti misma». Ella se rió y estuvo de acuerdo».
